Emergency Response Planning

Emergency Response Planning /Crisis Management

At SMI, we believe that failure to prepare equates to preparing to fail. As part of our core areas of expertise, SMI will review and re-write your organization’s existing Emergency Response Plan (ERP) and incorporate new components as may be needed and update the entire document to reflect current national standards.


This up-dating procedure will address the new methodologies for developing preparedness and response capabilities as outlined in the newly revised National Response Plan (NRP), the National Incident Management System (NIMS) and the National Preparedness Guidelines (NPG).

During a crisis is not the time to be handing out business cards.

Pablo Gonzalez, SMI’s Director of Crisis Management
  • List coordinated agencies;
  • Identify containment procedures (fire, chemical, biological, radioactive, flood, etc.);
  • Identify responsibilities for agencies, teams, and employees;
  • Describe local population notification procedures;
  • Comply with government regulations;
  • Describe response actions and back-up measures.
  • Ensure proper communication and continuity between intergovernmental and interagency response teams;
  • Establish a P-A-C-E communications plan

SMI’s latest National planning guidelines include:

SMI is proud to have nationally recognized subject matter expert Pablo Gonzalez as our Director of Crisis Management and Emergency Preparedness. Mr. Gonzalez and his team will assist in developing compliance and concurrence with all of the latest national planning guidelines, concepts and doctrines such as:


Incident Command System


Strategic National Stockpile


National Response Framework


Joint Operations Centers


Emergency Support Functions


National Planning Scenarios


Universal Task List


Natl Incident Mgmt System


SMI also offers training courses for government, military, and business professionals. Click to find out more about our training courses including: Emergency Planning, Emergency Plan Writing, Crisis Response, Threat Detection & Terrorism Awareness, Managing the Threat of Explosive Devices, and Combating Terrorist Explosive Attacks.

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